Christian Bale debuted as Batman in 2005, and wrapped up his time as the Cape Crusader in 2012, exactly a year before Henry Cavill made his debut as the Superman
While the DC characters delve in a darker space than MCU, and they have a niche following, Christopher Nolan, over a decade ago entered the scene and made a trilogy that stood beyond the DC vs MCU debate. The Dark Knight trilogy that made Christian Bale the Batman, that is still revered and demanded, went on to be a unique version of the story that not just working critically, but even witnessed massive footfalls. The next thing one could think of is the studio wanting to bring back the duo or at least Bale, but it turns out both denied, and the latter couldn’t even be lured by $50 Million.
For the unversed, Christian Bale debuted as Batman in 2005, and wrapped up his time as the Cape Crusader in 2012, exactly a year before Henry Cavill made his debut as the Superman. It was said that the studio approached Christopher Nolan and Bale for a fourth movie too, but they had together decided that they would only make three movies and not more.
But while the reports later also confirmed that it was true, there were also reports that the studio had even approached Christian Bale to reprise Batman opposite Henry Cavill’s Superman. They even made a hefty offer not many can resist, but Christian isn’t one of the many, and he decided to reject it. Read on to know everything you should about the same.
As per an EW report dating back to 2013, an ebook titled Beyond Batman: The Unauthorized True Story of Christian Bale and His Dark Knight Dilemma, had a source talking about the studio approaching Christian Bale for a Justice League type movie. The excerpt from the book including the source quote read, “’Why would Christian Bale walk away from what is certainly going to be either the first or second highest grossing movie in the history of cinema,” he asked, when the subject of Justice League was raised. … ‘He could probably make $50 million for being in the movie 20 minutes,’ my friend observed. ‘And it would be worth every penny to the studio.’”
“ … Sources close to Christian Bale have reportedly begun expressing their suspicions that Bale now views the Batman films in the same light that Robert Downey, Jr. views the Iron Man films. Although Downey has appeared as Tony Stark in four films in less than a decade, he’s hardly typecast as only Iron Man. Downey has balanced his action film escapades with other projects that have harnessed his talents and earned critical acclaim in the process. … Christian Bale’s future success as a Hollywood draw may need Batman every bit as much as the Batman franchise needs Bale for a few more rounds.