While returning from work, a Thai man observed a little animal on the street. As he approached, he realized it was a cat that had never remained silent since birth. Seeing the cat’s vulnerability and loneliness, the man chose to bring it home and care for it out of compassion.

The monster couldn’t survive alone on the roadways.

After bringing the kitten home, the man fed it milk from a bottle and took excellent care of it. The cat rapidly settled in with its new owner and seemed comfortable in its new surroundings.

The small kitten grew over time. The man began to realize that the animal he had raised was not your normal cat. As the investigation advanced, it became clear that it belonged to a whole other animal species.

After consulting with a veterinarian, the man discovered that the animal was actually a fishing cat.

The fishing cat has a sleek gray coat with a uniform pattern of fur throughout its body. Its back has a rich brown color with small, equally dispersed rows of black or dark brown patterns in varying sizes.

An adult individual normally has a tail length of 25 to 33 cm, a body length of 75 to 86 cm, and a weight of 8 to 14 kg.

The legs are long and thin, with somewhat webbed toes and sharp claws that only partially retract.

A “fisherman cat” is someone who enjoys collecting fish, snakes, frogs, crabs, crustaceans, crayfish, snails, and water insects in semi-aquatic habitats. Rumors suggest that it preys on lambs, calves, mice, birds, and reptiles.