PGA Tour golfer spills red wine on Tiger Woods’ $53,000,000 private plane and the ending is ”bitter”. ttmd

Tiger Woods once charged PGA Tour golfer $25,000 after he spilled red wine on his $53,000,000 private jet

PGA Championship - Preview Day 3

Tiger Woods with Camilo Villegas (Image via Getty)

Tiger Woods’ numerous golf stories often outshine all others, but a recent story told by Camilo Villegas took place outside of the course. Joining the Golf Subpar Podcast, he spoke about an incident involving Tiger Woods’ private jet and a bottle of red wine.

Villegas was invited to a skins event in 2008, a time when he was represented by IMG. However, with his hectic schedule, it seemed tough to squeeze in another event. With one event before and another event after in Australia, the travel logistics did not seem to add up for the golfer.

However, Villegas found a solution, asking Woods to give him a ride to Perth, Australia for the tournament after. Recalling the situation, he said:

“If that’s the case,” he said, “I’m playing the skins game.”

Tiger Woods accepted, and after the skins event was over, Villegas found himself on the golfing legend’s private jet with his caddie Steve Williams and manager Mark Steinberg.

“We get on the plane and I’m tired man. All I want to do is sleep,” Villegas said. “And this lady comes out and says, ‘Hey guys, what do you want to drink?’ And I’m like, ‘Well, I’ll take a water,’ and Tiger looks at me and gives me this look like, dude, you just won the skins game, come on. Don’t be a wuss. Have a little freaking wine or whatever with me. So sure enough I said, ‘OK, bring me a glass of red wine,’ and they bring me this big glass of red wine.”

As both golfers got back to talking, the plane was about to take off. While Villegas remembered to hold onto his water, he incidentally forgot about the big glass of red wine that he had ordered.

“I look to my right and there is red wine flying everywhere,” he says. “Tiger is to my left, he looks and goes, ‘Nice.’ I start sweating dude. I’m sweating here. I’m sweating.”

Camilo Villegas pays cleaning bill for spilling red wine all over Tiger Woods’ jet

Needless to say, the unfortunate incident sent Villegas into a state of panic. As the staff came to clean the mess, Villegas also got down on his knees to clean up. However, after several failed attempts, he came up with a different solution.

“I’m on the floor for about 40 minutes trying to get this out,” he says. “It’s the side panel, it’s the chair, it’s the carpet. This is not coming out. Finally I turn around and look at Tiger. I say, ‘Bro, just send this thing to get cleaned and send me the bill.’”

Villegas did not hear anything from Woods for over two months. However, at a Tiger Woods event at the Sherwood Country Club, he found an envelope hanging from his locker. The bill for the entire cleaning was $25,000.

As Villegas went to pay for the entire bill, it turned out that Woods’ account was already full, and unable to accept any money. To this day, Villegas does not know whether Tiger Woods was just playing a trick on him.

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