In an unexpected turn of events, actress and activist Alyssa Milano shocked her followers with an emotional confession during an Instagram Live. Through tears, she accused Elon Musk of being the cause of all her problems, from small everyday incidents to obstacles in her professional career. How did she come to this conclusion? Here we tell you the details of this peculiar story.
According to Milano, it all goes back to a chance encounter at a vegan coffee shop in Los Angeles. While reviewing a script on her eco-friendly bamboo tablet, a barista accidentally handed her a coffee intended for Elon Musk. Noticing the mistake, Milano handed the drink back with a flippant comment about its soy-free, almond milk-based composition, saying, “I think this is yours.” Musk, with characteristic politeness, acknowledged the gesture and went about his day. But for Milano, this innocent exchange marked the beginning of a series of unfortunate events.
The actress said that the next day, her Keurig coffee maker exploded, filling her kitchen with spilled coffee. “It was a traumatic experience,” she confessed. “And the worst part is that the Keurig was a gift from… Elon Musk. Or at least I think so. Maybe it was from my aunt. But somehow, it’s all connected!” This sarcastic comment underscores her belief that even gifts from the billionaire could bring bad luck.
Milano also shared how Musk has influenced her personal decisions. According to her, she had planned to test drive a Tesla, but the car never arrived. “Is this a coincidence? Or is Elon making sure I never drive one of his electric cars?” she wondered.
The most shocking part of her story was her dream of traveling to space with SpaceX. Milano claimed that she had already selected her outfits and even wrote a song for the occasion. However, instead of a ticket to space, she received a car. “A CAR!” she exclaimed, disappointed. This unexpected twist only added a touch of surrealism to her complaints.
In another accusation, Milano linked Musk to the infamous Los Angeles traffic, which caused him to miss a yoga class. “He’s digging tunnels under the city,” she said, referring to The Boring Company. “Who knows what he’s doing down there? Maybe he’s creating an underground world where he controls everything, even the traffic lights!”
As if that wasn’t enough, Milano claimed that Musk’s tweets affect the behavior of his cat, Mr. Whiskers. “Every time he tweets, Mr. Whiskers goes crazy,” she said. “It’s like he’s sending secret signals to pets around the world.” This quirky comment generated laughter among his followers and highlighted the humorous tone of his narrative.
Despite Milano’s accusations, Musk has not responded to his statements. Perhaps he is too busy with his innovative projects or simply enjoying a soy-free macchiato, reflecting on the strange twists of fate.
Alyssa Milano’s statements, though seemingly exaggerated and humorous, are a reminder of the challenges of fame and the peculiarities of modern celebrity culture. In a world where reality and fiction intertwine, her story invites us to question the connections we make in our lives, whether it’s with a coffee, a car, or a dream of traveling to space.