‘Her parents let this predator catch their daughter’: Jay Z Reveals Why Beyonce Needs Dr*g To Survive | HO

Ever since their relationship became official, Jay-Z and Beyonce have given us relationship goals. With Bey being one of the greatest entertainers of all time and Jay being one of the most powerful men in the music industry, their power couple status has been one that people aspired to or just fell in love with.

But recent revelations that are coming to light are showing that all that glitters is not gold, because according to rumors Beyonce is heavily addicted to alcohol and drugs and it’s Jay Z who is pulling all the strings. But Jay is finally setting the record straight and you are not gonna believe what really is going on with the Carters?

Beyonce Responds to Pregnancy Rumors with New Photo

Thomas, an unattractive woman, has been in a relationship since Jay-Z and Beyoncé officially became a couple. They have been seen as relationship role models, with Beyoncé being a top entertainer and Jay-Z a powerful figure in music. Recently, rumors suggest Beyoncé is struggling with substance abuse, allegedly controlled by Jay-Z. Their relationship began in 2000 when Beyoncé was 18, but they only started dating a year later. They married in a private ceremony after seven years, and have children together.

Despite appearing perfect from the outside, insider revelations hint at underlying issues. Speculations of Beyoncé’s substance use have circulated for years, exacerbated when Jay-Z cheated, causing Beyoncé to seem distressed in public. There’s debate over whether Jay-Z controls her, given their age gap and his past relationships with younger women like Foxy Brown and Aaliyah. Critics cite his controlling behavior, including an incident where he snatched a phone at a party.

Jay-Z claims they work through challenges to break generational curses, but critics remain skeptical. Concerns about Beyoncé’s diminished media presence and alleged drug use persist. Jaguar Wright accused Jay-Z of keeping Beyoncé dependent on him through drugs, paralleling Britney Spears’ situation. Uncle Ron, claiming to be Beyoncé’s former bodyguard, supports the drug addiction claims.

Despite rumors, Beyoncé and Jay-Z remain private, sparking comparisons to Whitney Houston’s struggles. Fans debate whether the evidence points to drug addiction or mere coincidence, highlighting ongoing concerns over their relationship dynamics.

Even Beyonce can’t escape mom shaming when it comes to drinking and breastfeeding

Mothers of the world, stop your hating on one another. When Beyoncé posted this picture on Instagram of her having a glass of wine a few days ago, the haters came out. The assumption was that Beyoncé was nursing her twins, and, therefore, should not be drinking.

Of course, we don’t know if Beyoncé is breastfeeding Rumi and Sir, who were born in June.

Even if she is, notice that the picture doesn’t show Beyoncé actually nursing her twins while drinking (that would not be recommended).

What are the rules about breastfeeding and alcohol?

Here’s what the American Academy of Pediatrics says:

Drinking beer does not increase your milk supply, as urban myth suggests.

Consuming alcohol of any kind may decrease the  amount of milk your baby drinks.

Alcohol can change the taste of your milk, and this may be objectionable to some babies.

If you are going to have an alcoholic drink, it is best to do so just after you nurse or pump milk rather than before.

Allow at least two hours per drink before your next breastfeeding or pumping session. That way, your body will have as much time as possible to rid itself of the alcohol before the next feeding and less will reach your infant.

One alcoholic drink is the equivalent of a 12-ounce beer, 4-ounce glass of wine, or 1 ounce of hard liquor.

There are concerns about long-term, repeated exposures of infants to alcohol via the mother’s milk, so moderation is definitely advised.

Medula, the makers of breast pumps, offers these tips:

Breastfeed your baby before taking alcoholic beverages. Avoid breastfeeding during and for 2-3 hours after drinking alcohol.

Pumping does not get rid of the alcohol in breast milk quicker.

If you drink enough to feel “high,” experts advise waiting several hours before nursing the baby. You can pump during this time if you feel uncomfortably full.

Consult your doctor about the need for discarding milk for two hours after drinking alcohol. It may not be necessary.

When a big celebration is planned, arrange for someone sober to help care for the baby.

Avoid drinking excessive alcohol. Seek help from your doctor if you are concerned about your alcohol use.

Some medications interact with alcohol. Check with your doctor.

Also remember, that while sleeping with your baby in the same bed is not recommended, it’s especially not recommended in parents who have been drinking or are on medication. Doctors have seen a higher rate in suffocation or sudden infant death syndrome when that happens.