Taylor Swift and Katy Perry have been at odds since 2009. Recently, the “ Swish Swish ” singer took the initiative to reconcile in order to ease the long-standing conflict.

Recently, Katy Perry sent an olive branch symbolizing peace along with a friendly handwritten letter. The Swish Swish singer ’s act was to reconcile and end the “war” between her and Swift. However, few people know that they used to be close friends.

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In 2009, Swift tweeted, “I love Katy Perry! I’m going to put a poster of her on my wall.” Perry responded, “You’re so sweet! Let’s write a song together for our next album!” That year, Swift also attended Perry’s 25th birthday party and tweeted her well wishes.

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However, even without saying it, the fact that the two of them dated the talented singer John Mayer also caused misunderstandings for both sides. Swift once wrote the song Dear John for him when they broke up. Perry, after divorcing her ex-husband Russell Brand, also dated Mayer and broke up after a year together.

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The conflict between Swift and Perry probably started when the country singer accused Perry of stealing her dancers while she was on tour. Swift thought Perry wanted to ruin her tour and the two have been feuding ever since.

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In a 2014 interview with Rolling Stone, Swift wrote that her song Bad Blood was about an unnamed musician. “She did something terrible. We’re enemies now,” she said. She also recalled that Perry stole her dancers and even shunned the Roar singer because of it.

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The Love Story singer continued to condemn an ​​unnamed singer in another interview with the Telegraph. She confirmed that she would not reveal the singer’s name to the media.

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In 2015, Nicki Minaj spoke out about the fact that her song Anaconda didn’t win Video of the Year because she wasn’t a thin white girl. Swift responded, “I love you and support you, but it’s sad when women insult each other like that.” Minaj clarified that she didn’t mean Swift, but Perry later joined the fray, saying, “It’s ridiculous that someone (Swift) who’s always criticizing other people would say that.”

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Calvin Harris briefly dated the Bad Blood singer. After the breakup, he said, “I know you’re free and want to say bad things about me like Katy or something, so forget about it.” Harris’s name-dropping of Perry is also evidence that the war between her and Swift is still going on.

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In 2017, Perry released a new song called Swish Swish. Many fans believe that the song is about Swift: “Take it easy, girl. I’m gonna be around for a long time. Get used to it. You keep calling my name but I always win.”

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Perry later confided in James Corden on his Car Karaoke show : “I tried to talk to her but she refused. I tried to make things peaceful but she wrote a song and condemned me. At that time I was like what am I going to do ?” But the Dark Horse singer said she wanted to let things go and make up with Swift, just a text message from Swift to make up would be enough for Perry to agree.

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Swift and Perry’s long war finally came to an end after Perry sent the olive tree and letter to Swift a few days ago.

The conflict between two famous female stars Taylor Swift and Katy Perry has been a hot topic for US-UK fans for many years, along with the music products of these two girls.