World’s First Surviving Septuplets
Having a baby is probably one of the most life-changing experiences. Most new parents find the arrival of just one new baby an overwhelming experience. Can you imagine what it must be like being a parent of a multiple birth? We’re not talking about twins or even triplets but septuplets. That’s right, seven babies in one pregnancy.
It sounds far-fetched, and the chances of the babies even making it through the pregnancy are extremely low, but on occasion, women with the help of medical professionals and close care are able to bring these babies to term and into the world. Oftentimes, fertility treatments play a role in helping women conceive their babies so let’s take a closer look at this story.
Meet The Parents
In 1996 Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey were blessed with the arrival of a healthy baby girl.
They believed their new daughter to be a miracle as Bobbi suffered from issues with her pituitary gland which can cause problems with fertility. They gave their beautiful daughter the name of Mikayla Marie and thought ahead to their next child.
Fertility Treatment
Having had difficulties conceiving Mikayla they decided for their next child they would pursue some fertility treatment.
Fertility Treatment
Their doctor prescribed a medication called Metrodin which is known to help with ovulation, which is required for a woman to conceive a child. Bobbi started to take the medication, and they made plans for their second baby.
One Isn’t Enough
Their doctor prescribed a medication called Metrodin which is known to help with ovulation, which is required for a woman to conceive a child. Bobbi started to take the medication, and they made plans for their second baby.
One Isn’t Enough
This was not only massive news that they would be growing from a family of 3 to a family of 10, but this pregnancy also posed a level of danger to Bobbi.
Taking אhe Risk
Despite fully understanding the risks involved in such a complicated pregnancy, and having a healthy daughter in Mikayla, Bobbi and Kenny decided they didn’t want to choose one of their babies above another and wanted to proceed with the pregnancy as naturally as possible.
Taking אhe Risk
There have been only around 40-50 births in the world that have resulted from a pregnancy involving 7 babies. Although many septuplets have not survived birth or infancy, at least 3 sets of septuplets, and survived beyond infancy.
Lots of Attention
Once their decision had been made, to keep all seven babies, news started to spread of this unusual pregnancy. People in the media and across the country found the story of this small family and their septuplets fascinating.
Lots of Attention
Not all people who heard the news were supportive of keeping all seven babies, but Bobbi and Kenny were confident in their decision that everything would work out for the best.
Helping Hands
People who knew the family, and those who didn’t decided to offer help to the McCaugheys. After all, the birth of seven children at once is an extraordinary event in any family.
Helping Hands
Kraft gave the family a year’s supply of “man n cheese,” they were given boxes and boxes of diapers, some offered themselves to help around the house as a nanny or a babysitter, and amazingly enough, a 5,000 square foot house was donated to the family. The family was amazed at the kindness and generosity of people they knew and even more so from those who were complete strangers.
Running on Nerves
The months and weeks that led up to the birth were not only thrilling but scary and unsurprisingly stressful!
Running on Nerves
Bobbi had to do her best to keep calm and relaxed as the doctors were concerned that the stress of the upcoming births might lead her to early labor. In the back of their mind, Bobbi and Kenny knew things might not work out, but they tried to stay positive and believe everything would work out.
Meet the Babies
The McCaugheys welcomed three girls and four boys, making up the septuplets. With seven healthy babies, their parents now needed to name their brood.
Meet the Babies
The heaviest baby was named Kenny (Kenneth) Robert and the other boys were named Nathan Roy, Brandon James, and Joel Steven. The girls were named Alexis May, Natalie Sue and Kelsey Ann who was the lightest baby. That’s a lot of names to remember!
The Birthing Staff
Of course, the babies were delivered with the help of the hospital staff. All of the doctors, nurses, and maternity staff knew that they were part of making American history by helping deliver the first healthy set of septuplets.
The Birthing Staff
A few days after the births, all the team involved in their delivery gathered together for a group photo.
Camping Out
Since Bobbi and Kenny were asked to come to the hospital nine weeks before Bobbi’s due date to deliver the babies, the news channels were unaware that the births were taking place a the Iowa Methodist Hospital Center in Des Moines.
Camping Out
Every channel wanted to get the first picture of the newborns. However, as they would find out, they would have to wait for some time for them to get a glimpse at the septuplets.
Leaving the Hospital
The babies needed a lot of care in their early days, and eventually, after three months and ten days, all seven babies were healthy enough to be allowed home.
Leaving the Hospital
Finally, the news crews would get that picture they had been waiting for. As Bobbi and Kenny loaded all seven babies into their new family van, the cameramen and journalists got a snap of the septuplets with their parents. There were lots of smiles and a few tears as the McCaugheys headed for home.
Extra Safe
To ensure that the family would be able to return home safely the police set up a security post outside their house so that the McCaugheys would be able to arrive and enter their home without disturbance.
Extra Safe
The babies were brought back to Bobbi and Kenny’s old home at first, but soon enough they would be moving into their brand-new house.
There was much interest in the McCaughey family, and at first, Bobbi and Kenny thought it was just local reporters who were reporting on their story.
As news spread, more and more people became interested in the news of the septuplets, and in December of 1997, just a month after the babies were born, Bobbi and Kenny were featured on the front cover of Time Magazine.