OH SH!T!! Beyonce’s Ex Bodyguard Exposes Her Darkest Secrets: People worship these celebrities. It’s unbelievable | HO

A man claiming to be Beyonce’s former bodyguard is speaking out against Beyonce and Jay-Z. He claims that the power couple has destroyed and will literally destroy anyone who comes in their path. He knows so much about how they got where they are and how they stepped on many people. There are numerous allegations being made lately about Beyonce and her alleged dark side, from claims that she steals ideas from small artists to rumors about Hollywood sacrifices and witchcraft. Now, we’re hearing from her former bodyguard, Uncle Ron, that Beyonce and her husband, Jay-Z, have threatened, intimidated, bullied, and possibly even unalived numerous people they perceived as competition.

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You know, when you’re early in your career, you feel that you have to listen, and when you buck, they buck harder and make huge threats. The Beehive is now going after Uncle Ron, accusing him of being a liar and a clout chaser. However, there are also a lot of fans who think there must be at least some truth to all these allegations stacking up against Beyonce. So, is the bodyguard telling the truth? Did Beyonce really eliminate all of her competition? Let’s investigate.

Beyonce, how you guys ended Keri Hilson’s career because she said something about you. I was just trying to think; I haven’t seen anything from Keri Hilson lately. My wife was watching, was she in a Hallmark movie or something? Yeah, what the hell happened with Keri Hilson?

Beyonce has been under a lot of scrutiny lately after her controversial concert in Dubai reignited years-old Illuminati allegations. She’s also getting backlash for being a money grabber because she agreed to perform in Dubai for $24 million despite the long history of human rights violations there. For example, in the UAE, where Dubai is located, citizens don’t have the right to change their government, and the country has numerous laws discriminating against women, migrants, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Flogging and stoning are legal forms of punishment for adultery, women can’t marry without the permission of a male guardian, and being gay is illegal and punishable by death. So, as you can imagine, the fact that Beyonce, who always preaches about female empowerment and constantly borrows from queer culture, decided to make a live comeback in Dubai rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

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The treatment of women in Dubai and across the Gulf countries is out of the Medieval Era. On top of that, Beyonce has made a huge deal about slavery in the United States, and quite rightly, but in the Middle East and in Dubai, there is a form of modern slavery where migrant laborers are kept under appalling conditions in violation of international labor organization standards. It’s completely contradictory to what she stands for, and I bet that hotel where she performed was built by migrant laborers under appalling conditions.

However, we’re now hearing from Uncle Ron, the man who claims he’s Beyonce’s former bodyguard, that performing in Dubai for a fat check is 100% on brand for her and Jay-Z because they will literally do anything to stay on top. Uncle Ron recently exposed Beyonce and Jay-Z for ruining the careers of many young artists, including Keri Hilson. It’s very interesting that he decided to bring up Keri because a lot of people have completely forgotten about how horribly she was treated during her beef with Beyonce. To give you some context, the beef started back in 2009 after someone leaked Keri’s alleged diss track about Beyonce called “Turnin Me On.” Although Keri didn’t mention Beyonce by name, Beyonce’s fans were convinced that some of the lyrics were a direct reference to her, specifically the part where Keri sings, “Your vision’s cloudy if you think that you’re the best, you can dance, she can sing but need to move it to the left.” The song also contains some lyrics seemingly shading Ciara. However, in an interview from 2009, Keri denied she dissed either one of them.

“It’s a hot verse. I love the verse. Yes, I heard specific names being brought up. No, it’s not about that. No, that was not where the energy was. I’m not retracting or feeling some kind of way about how people feel that I’m doing, you know, that I did this. I’m not. I guess that’s the only way I could say it. I’m not retracting; it’s just that was not the energy behind it.”

But then the feud was reignited in 2011 when Keri refused a reporter’s request at the Soul Train Music Awards to hold an issue of Juicy Magazine with Beyonce and Jay-Z on the cover. And though Beyonce herself never publicly responded to Keri, she is rumored to have used her power and influence in the industry to blackball Keri’s career. Besides that, Beyonce’s fans started harassing Keri both online and in real life. The hate got so bad that two years after the Juicy Magazine incident, Keri had to beg The Beehive to leave her alone.

“You have no idea what your hateful words could do to someone’s spirit,” Keri tweeted. “Years of verbal abuse from strangers all day long. Enough is enough.” And although Keri denied she dissed anyone, she seemingly hinted that Beyonce did do something that caused her to react the way she did at the Soul Train Awards.

“As far as whatever you’re really mad about, I had my reasons,” Keri wrote on Twitter. “It’s been years. Just chalk it up to your ignorance of my reality and let it go.” But the attacks on Keri didn’t stop, and she later again took to Twitter to claim Beyonce’s fans were literally throwing Beyonce CDs at her on the street. In the upcoming years, Keri tried her best to distance herself from the drama.

Think about that, man. People are so damn low. This is what I talk about when I say stop idolizing celebrities. You are throwing Beyonce CDs at someone—really think about that. Then when stuff comes out about these people, they’re like, “Oh my God, I can’t believe it, not Beyonce!” Y’all need to stop idolizing these people, man. I told you, you can appreciate their work, their talent, that’s one thing. But idolizing them? It’s just crazy to me.

However, Keri’s career never fully recovered. Then in 2020, Keri admitted in an interview that she was forced to release a diss track about Beyonce and also opened up about serious threats she received at the height of the drama. “It’s the price you pay. When you’re early in your career, you feel that you have to listen, and when you buck, they buck harder and they make threats, and those threats are huge ones. You don’t feel like you have a choice. I really didn’t feel like I had a choice. It was do this or this.”

To this day, many fans believe the whole thing was an orchestrated ploy to destroy Keri’s career because she was a threat to Beyonce. Keri is undeniably talented, she’s gorgeous, and she actually writes her own songs. It’s pretty clear why Beyonce would see her as competition. But Keri is not the only woman whose career was allegedly ended by Beyonce and Jay-Z. Some people even believe that Jay-Z was involved in the death of Aaliyah, another multi-talented artist whose come-up ended in tragedy shortly before Beyonce’s solo career took off.

While Jay-Z’s involvement in Aaliyah’s death has never been proven, many fans are still convinced that both Jay and Beyonce have a lot of skeletons in their closet. Now someone who claims he knows all about these skeletons is speaking out against Beyonce and Jay-Z and exposing all the shady things they’ve done to other artists. A man who goes by the name of Uncle Ron and claims he used to work as Beyonce’s bodyguard recently went on TikTok and made a series of explosive allegations against Beyonce and Jay-Z. Uncle Ron specifically mentioned Keri Hilson and accused Beyonce and Jay-Z of destroying many artists over the years.

“Beyonce and Jay-Z will do anything to destroy anyone who speaks out against them. Okay, I get the threats, but you have to remember one thing: I know your deepest secrets. I know so much about you and what you’ve done. I know so much about how you got where you are, how you stepped on many people. Beyonce, how you guys ended Keri Hilson’s career because she said something about you.”

Uncle Ron also blasted Beyonce and Jay-Z’s relationship, claiming they only stay together for the money and power.

“Your relationship was a business relationship.