Nicki Minaj fans are pissed off — this after they paid big bucks for tickets, only for her to show up over 90 minutes late for her Dublin gig … leaving them stranded in the rain | HO

Nicki Minaj’s Fans Fuming Over Disaster Dublin Gig, Turns Up Late, Short Set

The rapper was supposed to rock Malahide Castle at 8 PM Saturday as part of the European leg of her “Pink Friday 2” world tour. Instead, she waltzed onstage just before 10 PM and played for less than an hour.

Not even that … during her brief set, Nicki kept vanishing for ages thanks to endless costume changes, all while fans shivered away in the rain.

nicki minaj concert reactions twitter

No surprise Nicki’s fans stormed X to vent … calling the show a disgrace and saying they’ve lost all respect for her lack of professionalism.

Some fans even shelled out up to €300 (about $325) for tickets … calling it an utter rip-off and demanding refunds.


So far, no mention from Nicki on her tardiness yet … but she did post some social media pics and vids showing her and the crowd appearing to be having a blast.

Nicki Minaj Pink Friday 2 World Tour



Guess she’s trying to put a shiny filter on a rainy mess!