CPS Takes Chrisean’s Son From Her | She Loses Custody | Chrisean JR Finally Gets Medical Attention | HO

Y’all, it looks like Chrisean Rock is in a HOT mess, and it’s worse than we thought. In case y’all missed it, Chrisean got arrested a couple of days ago on an open warrant for her arrest, and it looks like she is going away for a very VERY long time. Her son, Chrisean Jr. seems to be at the receiving end of all this, because there are now reports that he has been taken by CPS and Chrsean is this close to losing custody of her baby.

Okay, so Chrisean is in A HOT stanking mess right now, and to nobody’s surprise, her baby daddy/boo thang, Blueface is the reason she is in this mess to start with. He’s been getting her in trouble for years now, so it’s no surprise that he’s the reason she’s in prison and might lose custody of their son, Chrisean Jr.

The crazy part about this is that earlier this year, Chrisean swore to heaven and back that she was done with Blueface forever and that she was never going to take him back.

CPS TOOK AWAY CHRISEAN'S SON!! - She Loses Custody Chrisean JR. Finally Gets Medical Attention - YouTube

Y’all, just when we thought Chrisean Rock was maturing, here she is in another hot mess, and it’s worse than we thought. In case y’all missed it, Chrisean got arrested a couple of days ago on an open warrant, and it looks like she might be going away for a long time. Her son, Chrisean Jr., seems to be at the receiving end of all this because there are now reports that he has been taken by CPS, and Chrisean is this close to losing custody of her baby. Y’all, sit down for this because it’s about to get real insane.

Chrisean and Chrisean Jr. are going through it right now, and to nobody’s surprise, her baby daddy and boo thing, Blueface, is the reason she’s in this mess. He’s been getting her in trouble for years, so it’s no surprise he’s the reason she’s in prison and might lose custody of their son, Chrisean Jr. The crazy part about all this is that earlier this year, Chrisean swore she was done with Blueface forever and would never take him back. She said, “Telling him no today was a step, but how do you get rid of a soul tie? I really had to take a step back because still giving a part of me to him is effed up to my son. How do I let a man that doesn’t want to be a father to my only son still in me? Man, then this man texted me today, and I almost fell for it. What the f am I doing for real?” She continued, “I’m looking at my son like, hold up, cut the immature selfishness out. Y’all, I’m disappointed with myself right now. Hey Blue, go f yourself. Stop hitting me up, bro. Go find another bitch to cream on you plus homie, that is unsafe and unsanitary. You’re going to f around and get HIV the way you move.”

She also said, “On God, let me start wanting this. Lord, please free me from myself. I pray for strength to stay disciplined, and I pray for strength because having a child and knowing that his father doesn’t want anything to do with him is a tough thing to accept. So instead of doing what’s hard, I settle for the short end of the stick.” But y’all, the drama didn’t even stop there. Just when you thought things settled down, she was back at it again, starting trouble like it was her job.

Thankfully, karma did its thing, and Blueface ended up behind bars for violating his probation. For some context, back in 2022, Blueface got himself into real trouble. He and his crew decided to show Contavious Trailer who’s boss after he cracked a joke about Blueface trying to get the ladies in his beat-up car. Contavious probably didn’t expect things to escalate, but y’all, they escalated. Blueface and his crew roughed him up so badly at a strip joint that poor Contavious bolted for his truck. But Blueface wasn’t having that; he whipped out his gun and started firing like he was in an action movie.

Chrisean Breaks Down Crying After Blueface Says He Doesn't Want Her Or Her Unborn Child! - YouTube

Blueface tried to spin a tale that Contavious was armed and dangerous, but let’s be real, Contavious was sprinting away, so there was no way he could have been shooting at them if he was running away. Allegedly. Blueface was arrested in November 2022. Days after the arrest, TMZ reported that Blueface was charged with felony attempted murder and discharging a gun into a house, building, vehicle, or craft. He was granted bail for $50,000, which Chrisean paid, and he was released the same day.

In his second court appearance, Blueface struck a deal and copped a guilty plea, which meant they dropped the attempted murder charge. As part of the bargain, he admitted to firing a weapon. According to court documents, the judge revealed that he can’t be seen around anyone with a firearm. The judge stated that the rapper is playing with his liberty if he surrounds himself with guns. He’s also not allowed to attend any strip clubs in downtown Las Vegas unless he has work obligations. Blueface is prohibited from interacting with the victim of the shooting or his family and must stay away from drinking and smoking during his probation.

Well, surprise, surprise, Blueface couldn’t keep his nose clean and landed himself back behind bars this January. Chrisean, bless her heart, started off by lamenting about her “daddy” getting locked up, even though her real-life daddy was alive and well in Baltimore. She swore up and down that she was done with Blueface, but the moment he got arrested in January, she was out here chanting “free Blueface” like it was her job. Y’all, meanwhile, Blueface seems to have a different tune. Rumor has it that he allegedly snitched on her to the cops to lighten his own prison time. Just a few days ago, she got arrested at Blueface’s hearing. Turns out Blueface apparently insisted that she show up, but he allegedly tipped off the cops about her visit, knowing she had an open warrant against her. The moment she strolled into the courthouse, the cops swooped in and slapped the cuffs on her. She was taken away, and Chrisean Jr. was taken away from her.

Here’s what happened:

Chrisean: “Chris Sean know they saying I got a whole another case caught up in downtown. I don’t want to be downtown. It’s cool. I got my people looking the. I don’t know that. Excuse me sir, where are you guys arresting her for?” Cop: “Hold on the charge. A warrant out of -” Chrisean: “For what?” Cop: “Sorry, a warrant for what sir?” Cop: “Warrant.” Chrisean: “Right, you’re going to record me the whole way?” Cop: “The whole way beautiful, why you’re a big star.”

But the crazy part is that Blueface’s real parents were both there, and they refused to take Chrisean Jr., arguing and just being messy. Chrisean was thrown in jail without any chance of bail. And to add fuel to the fire, Blueface’s manager Wack 100 decided to spill the tea. According to Wack 100, Chrisean dug herself in an even deeper hole with the law. Apparently, she went live on Instagram and boldly admitted that she had no plans to surrender herself:

“Oh, all my warrants, my warrants are getting cleaned up. I’ve been paying off fees and getting rid of stuff, talking to certain people to help my situation out. Cuz you know, I have my son, so the old me would have just turned myself in and dealt with it from inside to the outside of the jail, so whatever. So I don’t be like, you know, but right now I got to play cautious because you know I don’t plan on being in jail while my son is growing. Like I just don’t plan on that at all. So I’m doing every way possible to get that figured out without even trying to serve time and it’s working out for me. So I’m going to work on my little situations and stuff. That’s all about it.”

If she had done the right thing and turned herself in on time, she might have snagged a lighter sentence, but now it looks like she’s in for the long stretch behind bars. Alright, let me address this. I didn’t feel it was my place because Blueface is my client, Chrisean isn’t, but let me address this. Listen, Chrisean has, I believe, two or three warrants. One of them not serious, Arizona’s not serious, California not serious. The one that’s holding her is an Oklahoma no-bail warrant because of a probation violation. You cannot bail her out. Stop hitting me, why you ain’t bail her out? Why you ain’t got an attorney? We don’t need to get her an attorney. Alright, it’s bottom line. That judge is going to do what that judge is going to do when she gets back down there. Me personally, unless the judge is on some extreme stuff cuz Chrisean Rock been online talking about stuff, Oklahoma and all that. If the judge is on some regular stuff, the judge going to get down there, may give her 30 days or some stuff, reorder her classes, and let her go. Once they let her go, LA, stop coming to court. She accused me of not wanting her to come to court so it looks like she ain’t supporting Blue. Listen, Blue was already in jail, he understands you don’t need to be there. I’m telling you not only was you come to court, you going live at the court. She tells me Oklahoma can’t get to the courtroom by the time I’m in and out. She just not mentally there to understand how life works, how the law works, how this stuff works. So I did my part. Only thing I can do is tell you over and over and over again. Hard head make a soft ass. Ultimately, I mean, I think within the next 30 days, they got 45 days to transport her. If they come get her, they fill that plane up. You know what I mean, they fill that plane up in time, they’ll fly her over there. So the faster she gets over there, the faster she’ll be home. It’s not like she’s going to do some years being incarcerated for a long time. The minute you hear Rock is in Oklahoma custody.

Given that Chrisean is in prison and nobody wants to take her baby, Chrisean Jr. has been taken by CPS. There have been reports that they are making moves to revoke her rights to parenthood and take him away from her forever. Y’all, even more insiders are now claiming that the baby is finally getting some medical attention for the issues that