In a recent interview, acclaimed actress and filmmaker Lupita Nyong’o revealed an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit about her 2019 film. Nyong’o shared that throughout the production, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Taylor Swift’s hit song “Shake It Off” would be a perfect fit for the movie’s soundtrack.
Nyong’o described how the upbeat and empowering lyrics of “Shake It Off” resonated with the film’s themes and characters. She believed that the song’s infectious energy and message of resilience and self-confidence could have added a unique and memorable layer to the film’s narrative.
Despite her strong conviction, integrating the song into the movie ultimately faced various logistical and creative challenges. While “Shake It Off” did not make it into the final cut, Nyong’o’s insight into her creative process offers fans a fascinating glimpse into the artistic considerations that shape a film’s soundtrack.
The revelation also highlights the broad and unexpected ways in which music can influence and inspire filmmakers, demonstrating the profound impact that a single song can have on the creative process.