Research shows that only 8%-10% of the world’s population has blue eyes like beauty Alexandra Daddario.

Alexandra Daddario has long been known as the “goddess of the silver screen” with her emerald green eyes, seductive smile and beautiful body. Even thanks to these extremely special eyes, she became much more famous, being dubbed “the most beautiful eyes in showbiz in the world”.

If you are lucky enough to meet Alexandra Daddario, you will surely be surprised by her captivating eyes. For this reason, many people suspect that the actress wears contact lenses to have beautiful blue eyes. But this is absolutely not true, Alexandra Daddario is actually blessed with completely natural blue eyes.

Alexandra Daddario has long been known as the “goddess” of the silver screen with her emerald green eyes.

It turns out that the reason why Alexandra Daddario has special blue eyes is because she is a mixed race of many different races. Born in New York, Alexandra Daddario is not actually American. Daddario’s beauty comes from the mixed Italian, Irish, Hungarian and English blood she inherited from her parents… This is one of the reasons why the actress has such captivating eyes.

The mystery of blue eyes makes the world from curious to surprised

1. Only 8%-10% of the world’s population has blue eyes

Research shows that only 8-10% of the world’s population has blue eyes like beauty Alexandra Daddario. And mostly these people are Europeans. Finland is the country with the largest number of blue-eyed people in the world.

2. Blue eyes are due to a genetic mutation

Did you know: Initially, all humans had brown eyes. However, according to researchers at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), a genetic mutation in an individual in Europe 6,000 to 10,000 years ago led to the appearance of people with blue eyes.

Therefore, researchers can conclude that this gene mutation is the reason why a small number of people in the world have attractive blue eyes. Blue eye color is hereditary, so all people with blue eyes in this world can be “the same ancestor”.

3. You are born blue but your eye color may be different when you grow up




Another surprising fact about blue eyes is: When you are born with blue eyes, it does not mean that your eyes will keep this color forever, because human melanin pigment tends to develop over time. time.



. Blue-eyed people have a higher risk of alcoholism

Another fact about people with attractive blue eyes is: They may be at a higher risk of alcoholism than people with dark eyes. A study published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics found that: European Americans with blue eyes have up to 83% higher rates of alcoholism than those with darker eye colors.

5. Parents have blue eyes but it is not certain that their child has this eye color

Even if you have blue eyes, you can’t predict what color your child’s eyes will be. Although blue eyes are hereditary, eye color is influenced by the interaction of 16 different genes, not just one or two genes as previously thought. Furthermore, the anatomical structure of the iris can also influence eye color to some extent. Therefore, your child’s eyes may be brown or black depending on genes.