The book opens with a nostalgic farewell at Barcelona airport, when little Lionel Messi, then just over 13 years old, is about to leave his mother.

Fans often call Lionel Messi by the intimate and simple name Leo. It is not only a name, it also shows the confident character of this striker on the field. With the Argentina team, Leo Messi is like a brave “leader lion”, it is not an exaggeration to say: he is the soul of this team in every major tournament.

As a kindergartener, Leo had a great love for the king of sports. Everyone called Messi’s third son a “football prodigy”, but success is not waiting for anyone at the door. All glory is exchanged for effort. Leo Messi’s Childhood, written by Michael Part, is an emotional autobiography. It recreates the first steps on the road to success of the Argentine star.

You are not tall, but still make others look up.

The book opens with a regretful farewell at Barcelona airport on a day in March 2001. Little Lionel Messi, then just over 13 years old, was about to leave his mother. From now on, in a strange country, only his father was by his side. Yet when Jorge Messi asked his third son if he felt sad living alone in a faraway place, Leo answered very clearly, “I’m not alone, Dad. I still have you and my team by my side.” As long as people live with passion, they will never know what loneliness is.

Leo Messi Childhood Book .

Let’s go back in time, to the early 90s, in the city of Rosario, little Leo Messi was just 4 years old. The whole family was gathered around a birthday cake to celebrate Leo’s birthday. The little boy was very happy with the new ball that his grandmother gave him. Forgetting that he was the host of the party, the hyperactive boy wanted to run out to the field to play football. Even every night before going to bed, Leo still held the ball tightly in his hands, just like the way children of the same age cherish their favorite stuffed animals.

The first club that welcomed Messi was Grandoli. But sadly, this was the worst team in the city. Leo’s grandmother convinced him to play there, knowing that Grandoli was short of players. Coming to them, the boy would not have to compete for a place on the field. Regardless of whether he would play for a high-class team or not, for Leo, just being able to play and score goals was a blessing.

As soon as he saw Leo Messi dribbling on the field, Grandoli coach Aparicio realized that he was about to possess a real talent. Despite his small stature, Leo had a natural talent and technique that far surpassed his peers. In fact, this guy was even superior to his teammates who were a few years older than him and a head taller than the boy.

For Messi, coming to Barcelona is the beginning of dreams.

For Messi, coming to Barcelona is the beginning of dreams.

Before Messi’s son entered the field, coach Aparicio was worried that the players with his body like a guardian would “swallow” this little boy. But no, Leo was really agile and skillful, the boy fought for the ball to the end and was not afraid of anyone. Coach Aparicio compared his new factor to a small and clever “flea”. Since then, “flea” has become Leo Messi’s new nickname.

God always has gifts for those who know how to make an effort.

Since childhood, Messi has idolized Diego Maradona. He is not a tall man. Especially for a football player, a height of less than 1.7 m is too modest. But that did not stop the player from Buenos Aires from becoming a football legend. At the age of six, when he played football with his idol and heard Diego Maradona himself call him a “football prodigy”, Leo Messi believed: He could become an excellent player, even though he was small.

At the age of eight, Flea signed his first contract with Newell’s Old Boys, considered the best team in the city. However, new troubles came before the family could celebrate. The doctor concluded that Leo had a growth hormone deficiency. The only way to improve this condition was to continuously supplement the hormone, over many years. Sadly, the cost of treatment was too high for his parents’ financial capacity. At first, a social security fund was offered to help the boy. Unfortunately, they gave up halfway.

Despite his height advantage, Leo Messi is still the world’s number 1 goalscorer.


Despite his height advantage, Leo Messi is still the world’s number 1 goalscorer.

The Messi family felt hopeless and confused, if they gave up, their third son’s dream of becoming a professional footballer would be shattered. But the expensive and long-term treatment was a burden that Jorge and his wife could not bear. At that moment, light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Gaspar, a scout for Barcelona club, knocked on Messi’s door one unexpected evening, when his parents were still arguing about what to do to help their son.

However, the journey to Barca for the Argentine boy was not easy. Messi’s talent was undeniable. But at that time, Barcelona needed an 18-year-old player full of energy, not a small 13-year-old boy. Gaspar had to use his professional reputation to convince the club’s leadership. What Messi has achieved in a Barcelona shirt speaks for itself.

Leo Messi’s Childhood is not just an autobiography of a famous player. It is a proud song for those who dare to pursue their passion to the end. If God forgets to give you a little luck, try to create your own miracle.