Stephen Colbert promotes “The Death of Slim Shady” and invites Eminem to his show

Stephen Colbert has recently promoted Eminem’s new album on his THE LATE SHOW with STEPHEN COLBERT and invited the Detroit legend for an interview to promote his much-anticipated project.

“Folks, everybody who knows me, knows I’m big into hip-hop, the rippity raps as we call it, which is why I was personally devastated to learn that an obituary has appeared in Detroit Free Press for Eminem’s fictional alter ego Slim Shady. If only the authorities had thought to contact his doctor but sadly they Forgot About Dre.” said Stephen Colbert.

He then continued: “Now, the heartless buzzards of the media industry out there claim that Eminem is just running this fake obituary to promote his upcoming album, The Death of Slim Shady (Coupe De Grace). Mnem, as he as repeatedly asked me not to call him, is it true artist, he would never stoop to emotionally manipulating his fans for a few streams, plus no major media figure is going to be dumb enough to fall for this obit and promote The Death Of Slim Shady (Coupe De Grace), available later this summer (Come on this show, call me).”

“No, this obit is real and can mean only one thing, Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up? Now I’m Slim Shady. Yes, I’m the real Shady, all the other Slim Shadys are just imitating. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Which mean all the royalties for the music should be sent to The Real Slim Shady care of Stephen Colbert, Ed Sullivan Theater, New York, New York. Or just go to Times Square and look for the building with my name on it.” Stephen Colbert added. You can watch the monologue below: