Rick Ross unveiling another gem from his luxurious collection—a limousine that holds a special place in his heart. Inspired by none other than boxing legend Mike Tyson, Ross’s limousine is a testament to his admiration for the iconic celebrities of his youth.


A Nod to the Legends

“When I was a young hustler,” Ross begins, reminiscing about his formative years. “I saw Mike Tyson and Don King pulling up in limousines, making big money, and I always said I was going to get a limousine just to park it.” The limousine, emblazoned with “Promised Land Entertainment,” is a symbol of Ross’s journey from aspiring young hustler to successful mogul.

A Collector’s Pride

Rick Ross proudly shows off his limousine, a vehicle he admits he might never actually ride in. Instead, it’s a prized piece of his extensive collection, parked on his expansive estate known as The Promised Land. “I don’t believe I’ve really shown my limousine,” he says, pointing out the Promised Land Entertainment branding. This limousine is more than just a car; it’s a piece of history and a marker of his success.

The Promised Land Estate

Ross’s estate is an impressive 55,000 square feet spread over 300 acres, designed for hustlers and open for visitors.