Hollywood star Jennifer Lopez is a huge fan of actor Dev Patel. She opened up about her love for the actor in an exclusive interview with News18. She confessed she admires his work and enjoys his films. JLo fangirled over the actor while speaking about her upcoming sci-fi thriller titled Atlas, set to release on Netflix on May 24, 2024. The actor-singer is joined by Simu Liu and Golden Globe-winner, Sterling K. Brown, in supporting roles.
In the exclusive chat, we asked Lopez to name her favourite Indian actor. She not only named Dev Patel but also was on board of the idea of starring with the Monkey Man actor in a film. “I love Dev Patel. [I just] love his work. Every time I see his work, I am just blown away. He is just so emotionally available, he’s so real and truthful. [His eyes] are so engaging it just brings you in.”
As much as we hope to see Lopez work with Patel, the 54-year-old actor-singer is currently promoting Atlas, where she plays the lead role of a data analyst, Atlas Shepherd. The film sees her character go through her own journey and Lopez decided to symbolise the same through her hairstyles.
Speaking about it, she said, “There’s a line in the film where one of the characters says that ‘I remember you as a little girl, your hair was so messy. Nobody combed it, nobody cared’. I just felt like that’s who she was. And as she got older, her hair was still messy and she didn’t care about herself. She didn’t let anybody in, or trust anybody. The hair was a metaphor for her entire life – the mess that it was in. By the end, after she has reached her goals, she is pulled together, she is a different person. She is a stronger person and she is more sure and cares more about herself in a different way.”
Lopez, who is married to actor Ben Affleck, is also one of the producers of the film. Directed by Brad Peyton, Atlas will release globally on May 24, on Netflix.