How Mariska Hargitay’s Persistence Paid off in Landing Her a Role on ‘ER’

Mariska Hargitay, renowned for her role as Detective Olivia Benson on “Law & Order: SVU,” had a memorable stint on “ER” before becoming a household name in crime drama. Hargitay’s journey to securing her role on “ER” is a testament to her determination and refusal to take ‘no’ for an answer.

In season 20, episode 3 of “Inside the Actors Studio,” Hargitay shared the story of her audition for “ER,” where she played Cynthia Hooper, the girlfriend of Dr. Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards) in season 4. Hargitay initially doubted her chances due to the competition but decided to give it her all.

“So finally, I get this audition for ‘ER,’ and I work really hard on it,” Hargitay recalled. “I get there, and it’s six beautiful blondes in the room. I thought, ‘Well, I guess this isn’t going to happen,’ and it took all the pressure off. I had so much fun in the audition because I was super prepared. I left the audition high as a kite, thinking, ‘I killed it.’”

Despite her confidence, Hargitay learned she didn’t get the role, which left her disheartened. The next day, after a disastrous audition for another part, she spoke to casting director John Levey about her disappointment over “ER.” She boldly asked to see John Wells, the executive producer, to understand why she wasn’t chosen.

“He said, ‘You were awesome,’” Hargitay recounted. “I asked why I didn’t get the part, and John said, ‘I have a vision for this part. The character was weak, fragile, fragmented, nervous, and you’re very strong. You’re not exactly the type.’”

Hargitay responded, “‘Hold on. You’re telling me I acted better than anybody, but I’m not getting it because I’m not that way in real life?’ He said, ‘Yeah.’ By the time I got home, they had called and offered me the role.”

Hargitay’s tenacity paid off. She challenged the decision and secured the role of Cynthia Hooper, which was a significant milestone in her career. Her persistence demonstrated that sometimes, going the extra mile and advocating for oneself can make all the difference.

Mariska Hargitay’s story is an inspiring reminder that perseverance and self-belief are crucial, especially in the face of rejection. Her role on “ER” not only showcased her talent but also paved the way for her iconic portrayal of Detective Olivia Benson on “Law & Order: SVU,” cementing her place in television history.